
Thursday 6 October 2011

Steve; you did a marvellous Job!

This morning I awoke to find out Steve Jobs had died, which is truly, truly saddening news. Just yesterday and the day before, many people (including myself) were frantically trying to find out information about the new iPhone release; the 4S. The phone was pretty much as expected, a faster model with a better camera and also Siri, an iPhone personal assistant where you can tell it what to do without having to touch your phone! As I had recently upgraded to the iPhone 4, I am pleased that the physical aesthetics had not changed and that my phone doesn't already look pre-historic, however, I am left with the knowledge that there is a better and faster iPhone than mine out there!

Apple is really an inspirational company that knew exactly what their consumers wanted and how to satisfy their need for technology whilst being the most aesthetically pleasing product on the market. the iPad has been one of the most prominent developments in mobile technology and paved the way for all tablets, whereby all companies are trying their hardest to make theirs better - they have a long way to go in convincing apple consumers that anything else will ever be better.

The death of Steve Jobs, although not totally unexpected, due his battle with cancer; will, to an extent enhance consumer loyalty, especially in the near future. His legacy will live on through his ideas and products he has left behind which will continue to be released throughout the future. The foundations he has created on the expectations of Apple products will continue to grow and can only get better.

As a true Apple fan I want to say;
Rest in peace Steve Jobs, you were a genius.

Pictures sourced (in order);;